
Possible Scam

Blacklists Boycotts Downloads Games Reviews

CigaretteSmokeDetector.com (Voice Products) boasts being the only company to have detectors that can properly detect cigarette smoke as opposed to other smoke detectors, however it seems this company may be more of a scam than anything & I haven't been the only person to have gotten the finger from them.  I contacted them in 2014, both over the phone & by email, but neither attempt to contact them about one of their products ever got answered.  When it became obvious I wasn't going to be getting any response from them, I decided to see what their reputation was on the BBB.  I noticed a complaint on the company where they did not respond to a customer, similar to my situation & they had an F rating due to not responding to the BBB on that complaint either (unfortunately this has been cleared since I last looked at the page, but it's been 2 years, so I guess they get cleared after some time).  In response to their lack of response, I decided to write a BBB Customer Review of the company (not that I was much of a customer anyway given they chose to ignore my request for information of their products).  In any case, it was determined that the company was not trustworthy & possibly a scam, so beware that you might get taken for a ride & a lot of money if you do attempt to do business with them...

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