WonderGamer.net |
What is WonderGamer.net?
WonderGamer.net is a non-profit website that currently does not have ads (have not found a service with ads that I would like to put on the site) & very little use of external plugins. We currently do not have a means for visitors to leave comments, however it's something we've looked into. WonderGamer.net provides the following:
Uncensored game reviews
Game patch/mod downloads
Recommendations for various gaming tools (screenshots, recording, streaming, VOIP, etc.)
Uncensored website, product, company & location reviews
Various blacklists/boycotts to help inform the public of those with malicious intent & tips on how to better protect themselves from those individuals, companies or websites.
Game enhancer codes; this is currently a minimal database & for very old games, but I'll be building on this when I have more time to do so.
Live gameplay videosretired
due to Twitch making changes that broke embedding of their player, YouTube
allowing abuse of their report system & Steam not even having a way to
embed their streams/videos
More to come
I have been attempting to find a means to add an external feed of gaming news into the home page, so far I haven't found a reputable source to do it from. Once I find one that allows a feed to other sites, we're going to look into getting that embedded on this page so there will be daily updates as apposed to limited updates due to limited time to work on the site.
In the future, I'm aiming to fill WonderGamer.net with gaming information such as gaming databases, tips & playthroughs, similar to sites such as GameFAQs.
New article published in response to a misinformation video published by CutCafe on YouTube that is slandering WonderGamer.net & it's owner. This article is categorized as a YouTube review (for site navigation purposes) and was determined as a necessary step when YouTube refused to do anything in response to the report filed against the video.
Click here for update archives
How do I navigate the website?
The site is meant to be in a similar fashion to folders on your computer. The starting navigation structure can be found at the top of most pages, with additional quick navigation links at the bottom of each article (not so much article index pages). Once you get to an index page, you will get a vertical list of pages to pick from, the quick links can be used to quickly switch between pages on the same level (as well as go back to the home page or up one level).
Does WonderGamer.net write all it's own articles?
Most articles on the site are written by the owner of WonderGamer.net, however sometimes we accept outside articles, provided enough backup information is provided to be considered legitimate information. We wish for WonderGamer.net to be as accurate as possible, so we won't accept articles without sufficient backup information to what is being stated; photos/screenshots & videos can help in determining whether we will use outside articles being sent to us.
Does WonderGamer.net respond to the public? How can I contact the staff of WonderGamer.net?
We do respond to the public when we have time, however depending on the type of contact that is being made, you may not get a response or might be blocked from contacting us again. There is a contact link at the bottom of this page (designed to work with email clients, not so much webmail) if you ever wish to contact us about something on the site.
I've been banned from the site... What did I do to get banned? Can I be unbanned?
A lot of the time getting a ban message can be a false-positive, it might be you are attempting to access hotlink-protected content from a site that hasn't been added to our hotlink whitelists. If it is a legitimate IP ban, then you're going to find you can't even access this page (those who get a ban message will see a 404 page with your IP address on it).
WonderGamer.net has had to be very aggressive with IP bans due to near daily hacking attempts on the site, this unfortunately means you might get unfairly banned due to being in an IP ban range based on hacking attempts from multiple IPs in that range. In the event that you do find yourself banned, there will be instructions on the 404 page stating on how to appeal a ban. You will need to include your IP address in the ban appeal so we can determine if you have attempted to hack the site or not (as well as to unban you). Once a successful ban appeal has been made, we will adjust the ban ranges on our side to allow you access to the site again, however this can be a problem if you are on a dynamic IP address (you can check this at WhatIsMyIPAddress.com), seeing as dynamic IP addresses are prone to changing & you may find your new IP address after a change in the same (or another) ban range again. If it is found that your IP address is in our raw access logs with hacking activity on them, you will not be unbanned under any circumstance!
Also note that a number of proxies have been banned from accessing the site prior to any hacking activity; we do not believe that people should be able to use a proxy/VPN to hide their identity to abuse (or otherwise commit illegal actions against) our site & reserve the right to file complaints against ISPs that are allowing that activity to happen.
Additionally we've had to block traffic from a number of more popular search engines due to negation of pages from their search engines (or complete wipes of our site), these search engines currently include the following:
Google (temporarily allowed until Microsoft gets their crap in order)
The color scheme hurts my eyes, how can I change it?
We currently don't have a means to allow the public to change the color scheme. We've addressed the concern before & came up with a rough draft on the home page to ask their opinion of it, those individuals never did get back to us on the rough draft, so it ended up getting reverted. If somebody is serious in wanting a different color scheme, they need to make sure they are going to be available to get back to us on the changes, otherwise any changes made will be reverted due to non-response. It is possible to change the color scheme yourself through many different browsers, this might be the easier way to do it rather than asking us to do it.
It's been suggested in the past that we should use sites such as Wordpress to host the site on, however we've had negative experiences on Wordpress in the past & chose not to take that route (we actually started on there, later moving to Blogspot, then eventually moved the site to our own domain). We wanted our site to be indexed in search engines, however due to the nature of certain reviews, they would always get reported & the entire site would get removed from those search engines & unfindable if on free services that allowed abuse of the report function. Renting a domain & host was the best method we could take to make sure the site was still findable by the public, however we do still have issues with certain pages continuously getting de-indexed from search engines for reasons they really never give details on (we may eventually start blocking traffic from certain search engines if this continues to be a problem)...
Another thing to point out is the most common hacking attempts on WonderGamer.net has been individuals attempting to access Wordpress admin login pages. We found that using newer web protocols only left us open to a much higher risk of the site being compromised & the high likelihood our visitors would be exposed to malware from the culprits, so external plugins are kept at a minimum, only bringing in new ones when we don't really have the option to add a function ourselves & only after extensive research to make sure those services are safe & work to our standards.
I don't like an article you have published, take it down now!
You are always free to complain about an article if you don't like it, but that doesn't mean it will be taken down. If the complaint would indicate that you are a representative/individual of the subject of an article, it is possible that your complaint will be added to the article or as a new article to back up the one that's being complained about, so take care on just how descriptive (or abusive) you choose to send your inquiries when contacting us.
What information does WonderGamer.net collect from it's users? Will that information ever be sold to a 3rd party?
Technically speaking, no data is collected on users themselves, however site traffic & referral traffic is logged
through analytical webmaster services &(no longer accurate after stripping both Google & Bing Analytics out of the site) through the internal raw access logs. In cases where a YouTube/Twitch video may have been accessed, YouTube/Twitch will be the one collecting the information (regardless of whether it's a video that we have created or not, that information will be available to the owner of the video). Information that we have access to will never be sold to a 3rd party & should never be made public. The only exception to publication of any of this information will be when a user is attempting to compromise the security of WonderGamer.net (hacking the site), in which case the IP address and/or host address from where the attempted hack originated will be added to the Hacker IP blackist & access to the site will be banned from that address. We are also obligated by law to provide information to law enforcement should we ever get subpoenaed for information on a visitor of WonderGamer.net.
Will there ever be a public comment function?
We have looked at this in the past & as of yet, have not found a system that we would like to use with WonderGamer.net. Shoutbox was one of the services we attempted to contact about moderation capabilities, they never responded to the inquiry, so obviously we weren't going to use a service that didn't fit our guidelines in keeping spam & abuse off of the site. When we find a service that fits the specifications we are looking for to add it to the site, that is when the ability to publicly leave a comment will become a reality, not just a research subject where we're searching for the ideal system.
The following are not technically frequently asked questions (FAQs), but these have been common accusations for almost a year since 2023, so we decided it was time to address these concerns publicly.
You are running a doxxing site!
WonderGamer.net is not a doxxing site & this accusation was started by the Steam troll community towards the end of 2023, later supported by misinformation channels like CutCafe on YouTube & later affecting anybody associated with WonderGamer.net through doxxing efforts by Steam trolls by locating & attacking their profiles on other platforms. There has been an ongoing flow of harassment/internet stalking & a few successful (management supported) attacks against our webmaster on multiple sites since the start of this movement in October of 2023.
The most recent accusations of this was from the Aurora Gladiator's clan on Warframe (a part of The Gladiators Legion alliance) & is expected to be a contributing factor to why the webmaster of WonderGamer.net was booted from the clan (there will probably be an individual review published about this later). In the discussion with one of their members after the incident on 9/8/2024 (via whisper in the Warframe game), they cited the Account Theft Attempt IP Blacklist, then later the eBay Seller Blacklist.
In the case of IP blacklists, IPs are provided, as are the actions taken while under that IP address when appropriate (these logs were later retired on the Hacker IP Blacklist after IP addresses were being auto-converted through our host & we were having issues tracing those domains back to IP addresses, resulting in the addition of the Domain blacklist; some of those logs may remain, but they are removed over time as singular IPs are upgraded to IP ranges on the site's IP ban list), personal identities are never given.
This boils down to one thing; WonderGamer.net doesn't have a user database. Even if this was something we wanted to do, it wouldn't be possible because we have no way to determine what IP addresses belong to who, all we have are records of what was done from those IP addresses, so if anything, those logs may be provided to back up why those IP addresses were originally listed (and updated as necessary), but identities will NEVER be linked to those IPs because we just don't have that capability, nor the intentions in making those records public. Of course we have had to file Internet Crimes reports to the FBI in the past, so additional information that may have been negated on the site may be provided to legal authorities when necessary.
As far as eBay Sellers are concerned, this is information to protect users against bad actors on eBay & ended up being published here because eBay policy doesn't allow it on their site (similar situation when reviews are published here that were originally rejected on official sites they were submitted to). Account information (such as their display name) are included because this is already public information, however personal identities typically are not. Contact information is normally censored unless it's needed for identification purposes (although there is usually at least minimal censoring) should another buyer run into problems with them.
Note that the webmaster of WonderGamer.net has since closed his account on eBay due to too many bad sellers & these logs are likely not to receive any more updates.Additionally, the statements that were being made by Steam trolls of their IP addresses being published as a hacker is also false. Their IP addresses were being banned from the site as it was determined based on access logs they were accessing more of the site than was normal (even being scraped & republished to another site in one case), but their IP addresses were never made public (unless activity was spotted that determined they were attempting to compromise the security of the website, like attempting to access an perceived administrator module or additional web protocols that weren't even on the site). For an IP address to be added to a blacklist, it needs to actually be confirmed as relevant to that blacklist & we haven't made a decision to start a Steam troll IP blacklist because it's not technically possible to determine which IP addresses are from those trolls (only thing that can be determined is what their actions are based on the site's access log; doxxing the site is perceived by excessive access, but not published when a ban is placed).
There have been some cases where identities are given, but this typically negates any contact information. If personal information outside of the identity of a person is published (without being censored), it's because that information was already public (usually because we referred to an official document that was already made public online or the individual already made their information public online themselves; sometimes we keep backups of that information should it need to continue be referred to should it later be taken down). Anything that is published on the site that may tie into an actual person is never published ourselves unless it is already public elsewhere on the internet & a personal identity is never published if uncensored contact data is provided; the exception to this rule is if that information is already public on other official sources online or provided online by the person themselves (such as was the case with the first toxic Twitch streamer we had to publish an article on after they linked a personal Twitter account on their own channel; in that article, we were able to locate where they lived based on the name provided on their Twitter account, a photo of their home was published to show we knew where they lived while preparing the information to be used in a lawsuit against them, but their address was never made public in the article).
These claims that continue to be made are based on false statements & rationalization by individuals that want to further their own agendas or boost their popularity through fraudulent & slanderous statements. Regardless, based on the allegations, we will be reviewing information on the site to make sure we didn't slip up on publishing additional information when it didn't fall under the terms stated earlier in this addressal to the allegations being made & taking action as necessary. Note however that IP bans are still being placed in cases where these continued doxxing attacks are misusing the site for their own personal agendas & will continue to be placed through excessive abusive access to the site until the 2-year period from the last Steam attack has expired. The most recent attack by the Aurora Gladiators clan in Warframe was not considered as a Steam attack however (although it's expected statements by Steam trolls & YouTube misinformation channels are playing a part in their decision), so the timer hasn't reset as of yet, although I expect it will continue to be pushed back & won't reach the 2026 expiration year it's currently at. Additionally, the contact email still remains disabled due to those attacks lasting for over several months, so appeals to bans won't be an option until the 2-year expiration of heightened alert is reached.
Quality of this site has been
tested in both Firefox, Internet Explorer & Microsoft Edge on the Windows OS & may be
best viewed in one of these 3 browsers.
This site has not been fully tested on smart phone or gaming console browsers & may not be optimized
for viewing on those browsers.
Some pages will use additional plugins from external sites such as YouTube for embedded video
players (embedded videos from Twitch currently broken).
View counters are typically located at the bottom of each page & will
require port 9000 TCP to be able to see them,
the counters use URL keys & will not display if you are viewing through an
external site.
By viewing this site, you agree not to attempt to
compromise it's security,
any attempt to hack the site will result in IP bans (possibly on your entire
along with your IP/host address being publicly listed on the Hacker
IP blackist.
The contact email has been disabled while the attacks from Steam continue