
Day One : Garry's Incident
PC/Steam Review

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Well I have very little to say about this game that is positive. The game has the potential to be a fantastic game, but that's where to upside ends.

The game is buggy beyond all means. I first started noticing bugs on the title screen, I mean if you can't even get the title screen correct, what's the point in trying to complete the game.

Then there's the issue of their scripts pretty well kill you even when you have won the button mashing tasks they give you. I got into a struggle with a panther & even though I won the struggle, the outcome was that both the panther & myself ended up dead requiring me to reload the game. I decided to shut it off rather than reloading.

The worst part of the game is not the game itself, but the developers. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding this game since it was released & most of it has to do with abuse of the legal system to censor legitimate bad reviews. There are a number of allegations that Wild Games Studio has also made false metacritic & other positive reviews to boost their game (I don't know if there are any actual facts in this, but there's a TON of information on Wikipedia about it).

I would probably recommend this game in the future if the developers could fix the majority of the bugs, but at this time I would have to say that somebody would have to have some extremely bad luck to even have this game gifted to them. This game still doesn't top the situation with WarZ/Infestation: Survivor Stories by Hammerpoint Interactive, but it isn't far off...

Games like this & WarZ/Infestation: Survivor Stories are the reasons why allowing indie games to get on Steam was probably a bad idea, it only tarnishes Steam's rep. I would have to say that this game should probably be removed from Steam, but first off we know the developers are going to put up a fight over it & secondly, we may never see any fixes to the numerous bugs currently in the game. I have no idea why WarZ/Infestation: Survivor Stories was even re-added to Steam, that game is an obvious scam if I ever saw one & a blatant ripoff of other games, movies, etc.; the lawsuit against them from Warner Bros. was proof enough of that.

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